Having filled them with a gravel/expanded clay mix, I converted my the remaining five satellite pots to continuous flow.
They are now fed by a 20 watt pump directly out of the duckweed tank. Each pot is connected to a drain line which returns the water to the duckweed tank. The pumping cycle is controlled by an electric timer which has the pump on for 15 minutes and off for 15 minutes during the day. During the night, the cycle moves to 15/45.
We planted several seedlings into the new-refurbished pots.......tomatoes, cucumbers and capsicums.
My larger Jade perch received their first real feed since I moved them into the new system over a week ago......it's been too cold.
The Jade perch fingerlings have suffered most during the recent (largely uncharacteristic) cold snap. I've lost several of them through continuing to feed them when it's too cold.
The seedlings we planted last weekend have all survived although some of them are looking a bit ordinary through being periodically flooded while I've grappled with float switch adjustments.